Saturday, April 30, 2011

Portrait Painting, Week 6

Here is last week's painting finished. To be honest, I liked it better as a monochrome. It think it was very striking with the difference between light and shadow. Still, it is not bad, so I'm putting it up.

Actually, my instructor likes it better with color, so who knows.

This painting is in oil, on a 11 by 14 inch canvas.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Portrait Painting, Week 5

This week we had a live model, a (rather masculine) woman with a mohawk. We will have the model next week as well, so this is a painting in progress. In fact, it is a monochrome using one pigment, transparent oxide brown, that I plan to use as the under-painting. Next week, I hope to finish the painting.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Portrait Painting, Week 3

This is my painting for this week's Portrait Painting class. It is in oil, on an 11 by 14 inch canvas.